College of

BIOL 105 Human Structure and Function

Kim Morgan
Assistant Professor, Biology 
Office: Blaine Co 518/Shields 203-B 
Phone: 208-732-6826, 208-788-2033

Course Description

Catalog Description

This is a one-term introduction to the structure and function of the human body. All systems of the body are studied. This course is required for various technical health career programs. It does not meet the requirements for biology degrees or four-year transfer programs. 

Purpose of the Course

Obtain a broad, general, understanding of the structures and functions, homeostatic interactions, and integration of structure, function, and homeostasis, found within and among the 11 body systems of humans.  Successful students will pass (≥70%) a comprehensive final exam by applying efficient and effective, student driven, learning strategies delivered within a context of developing/enhancing lifelong learning habits of mind.