College of

EDUC 201 Foundations of Education Syllabus

LueLinda Egbert
Distinguished Professor, Education 
Office: Hepworth 123
Phone: 208-732-6890

Course Description

COURSE DESCRIPTION______________________________________________________________________

“Students will examine the teaching field, current trends, and teaching as a profession. Discussions will analyze the social, philosophical, and historical perspectives in education. Students will also explore and develop their identity as an educator.”

------------------The Purpose of the Course: Visible Learning------------------------

Plant a seed and let it grow!     and/or   take off the Rose-colored glasses.

Your 100 level classes are the easiest, with 200 being harder, 300 level are university classes, while 400 & 500 graduate classes requireindependent adult learners to do most of the learning on their own, with little help from the instructor. In this class you will learn foundational knowledge as the fundamentals of teaching in which to scaffold all additional information within future classes. You will learn how Teacher Practitioners exhibit professional and collegial practices(see standards below):You are becoming the person you HOPE to be! as you apply the 1% principle in which you improve who you are 1% each day. And within 365 days, you will have improved/grown 365% with some minor setbacks to factored in when taking risks and challenging yourself. Failing is expected as learning tools along the path of success. 


TEXTBOOK ­­­­­______________________________________________________________________

Unofficially used: and not required: Kauchak, D., Eggen, P., & Carter, C. (2013). Introduction to teaching: Becoming a professional.(5th  ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.

  • OER On-line Educational Resources; no textbook required
  • access and creation (see Canvas for instructions.

OUTCOMES ­­­­­______________________________________________________________________

●     Explore teaching definitions, concepts, theories, and techniques.

●     Critically discuss the diversity of educational perspectives and goals.

●     Examine their background relating to educational topics.

●     Demonstrate effective communication skills.

----------------------------Course Expectations---------------------------

ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION POLICY____________________________________________________________

Absences:  This class meets once a week for two hours with an on-line discussion opening each Friday. Critical-thinking questions provide opportunities for in-depth class conversations and on-line discussions forums provide content reflection.

·         Mandatory on-campus session once a week for full assignment points

·         Mandatory homework on-line for peer “Connectivity” through discussion

·         Collaboration with peers for Dunn & Gardner’s Learning Styles and Maslow’s belonging needs “in -practice.”

·         Collaboration with peers for Carol Dweck, Daniel Pink, & Lawrence Kounins’s “theory into practice”

·         Discover Myers & Briggs Personality Type, Johari’s Window, and personal Philosophy of learning.

Course Syllabus
(Click on Document Title to View)

  • Egbert EDUC 201 Fall Syllabus 2023.docx
  • EDUC 201 Foundations Course Calendar.docx